Term Project Pt 2

2473 days ago by josm0936

# SIR program, for studying the relationship of temperature, snowfall and persons on a ski-slope # First, specify the starting and ending points, stepsize, and total number of observation points tstart=0 tfin=24 stepsize=.5 length=((tfin-tstart)/stepsize)+1 # Next, specify values of parameters, and initial values of variables T=10 S=0 P=0 a=3.1 b=0.25 q=tstart # Set up empty lists for the values we're about to compute Tvalues=[] Svalues=[] Pvalues=[] qvalues=[] # The following loop does three things: # (1) stores the current values of T, S, P and q into the lists created above; # (2) computes the next values of T, S, P using Euler's method; # (3) increases q by the stepsize for i in range(length): # Store current values Tvalues.append(T) Svalues.append(S) Pvalues.append(P) qvalues.append(q) # Compute rates of change using SIR equations Tprime=a*sin(b*t)+4 #Iprime=a*S*I-b*I #Rprime=b*I # Net change equals rate of change times stepsize DeltaT=Tprime*stepsize #DeltaI=Iprime*stepsize #DeltaR=Rprime*stepsize # New values equal current values plus net change T=T+DeltaS #I=I+DeltaI #R=R+DeltaR q=q+stepsize # Next time through the loop, the above new values play the role of current values # Zip the q values with the S/I/R values into lists of ordered pairs, and create plots of these Tplot=list_plot(list(zip(qvalues,Tvalues)),marker='o',color='blue') #Iplot=list_plot(list(zip(qvalues,Ivalues)),marker='o',color='red') #Rplot=list_plot(list(zip(qvalues,Rvalues)),marker='o',color='green') # Now plot the computed S,I,R values together on a single graph, with axes labelled appropriately SIRgraph=Tplot #+Iplot+Rplot show(SIRgraph,axes_labels=['$t$ (days)','$S,I,R$ (individuals)']) 
Traceback (click to the left of this block for traceback)
NameError: name 't' is not defined
Traceback (most recent call last):    length=((tfin-tstart)/stepsize)+1
  File "", line 1, in <module>
  File "/tmp/tmpVHz1ob/___code___.py", line 42, in <module>
NameError: name 't' is not defined